Green Tea, the second most consumed Tea in the world, has already won the hearts of many. According to statistics, we drink 600,000 tonnes of it every year! This is an increase of 20% in the last decade alone.

Indeed, as its popularity continues to increase, connoisseurs have started experimenting with its flavour - enter Green Tea Latte Recipes!

What is a Green Tea Latte?

What’s a Green Latte? It’s an Asian-inspired beverage made from Green Tea and, most commonly, almond milk as its base ingredients. You can drink it as a steaming hot cuppa in the middle of winter or a cooling Iced Tea in the summer.

Regardless of the time of year, a Green Tea Latte Recipe comes with a wealth of beneficial antioxidants. Recommended Green Tea

Recommended Green Tea to Use

Let’s start with the most crucial ingredient of all: Green Tea. Here at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, we stock a wide variety. When it comes to making a Green Tea Latte, however, we recommend the following brews:

China Sencha Green Tea

This Sencha, our ‘House’ Green Tea, comes from the Anhui Province of China. It grows on the northern side of the River Yangtze at altitudes of up to 800 feet. When brewed, it has a soft, mild, sweet flavour with traditional grassy notes. Historians continue to debate the true origins of Sencha Green Tea.

Some argue its home is in China, while others suggest Japan. It’s true to say that 78% of Tea drinkers in Japan today choose Sencha. However, records make a strong case that China is where it all began. This particular China Sencha Green Tea, meanwhile, is one of our most popular products. Period.

Gunpowder Tea

Gunpowder Green Tea is a Tea made from leaves shaped into small, round pellets. When brewed, these pellets unfurl before one's eyes. This creates a beverage noted for its grassiness and earthiness. It comes from the Zhejiang province, south of Shanghai, China, and is our 'house' Gunpowder Tea.

But why the name "Gunpowder" Tea? There are a few theories. However, no one knows with any certainty. The first theory is that an English clerk gave it this name after seeing the strange shape of the leaves.

According to this tale, he thought the Tea resembled the appearance of lead shots used in muskets. Another theory suggests that the word "gunpowder", when spoken in the correct dialect, sounds like the Mandarin Chinese phrase for "freshly brewed". Whatever the truth, it tastes great!

Dragon Well Tea

Also known as Longjing Tea and one of the most famous beverages from China. Dragon Well Tea boasts a sweet, rounded and wholesome flavour with notes reminiscent of nuts and butter. Indeed, these tasting notes make for a great addition to any Green Tea Latte recipe. This Tea originated from the Chinese village of Longjing (hence the name) during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912).

According to legend, if someone peered into the local well, they might see dragons circling in the water. Yet this wasn't a cause for concern. In China, seeing a dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness and longevity. The same applies to its use in a Green Tea Latte!

Jasmine Green Tea

This particular beverage comes from the Huangshan Mountains of Anhui Province, China. The name "Huang Shen" means "Yellow Mountain Fur Peak". This refers to the small white hairs covering the leaves. It also alludes to how the processed leaves resemble the peak of a mountain.

Workers pick the leaves used for this tea in the early spring. This is when the first fresh buds begin to unfurl. It is, one of our most popular Jasmine-scented Green Teas. Indeed, when brewed, Jasmine Huang Shan Ya Tea has a distinct floral flavour with grassy undertones well-suited to Green Tea Latte. Green Tea Caffeine

Green Tea Latte Caffeine

Any beverage to contain leaves from the Camellia sinensis (Tea) plant has caffeine. This, of course, includes any and all Green Tea Latte Recipes.

It’s important to note, however, that, owing to the limited processing of the leaves, Caffeine in Green Tea has a relatively low content.

On average, your cup of Green Tea Latte should have no more than 30 milligrams of the stuff. Many see this as a benefit of sorts. This is because low caffeine content ensures a low risk of side effects brought about from caffeine overconsumption.

NHS Choices recommends that pregnant women do not exceed 200 mg of caffeine daily. This is the equivalent of two cups of Coffee. When it comes to Green Tea Latte, meanwhile, you could have around six cups! Green Tea Latte Recipe

Green Tea Latte Recipe

Below you will find three of our favourite Green Tea Latte Recipes. They are merely suggestions - you can experiment with different flavours and additions as much as you like!

Some people might, for example, change the almond milk for, say, coconut milk. Others may add ingredients such as ginger or peppermint. The choice is yours. Whatever you decide on, we hope you enjoy your Green Tea Latte at home, work, or any place where no other beverage will do.

Just be sure to choose one of our quality Green Teas for its making to ensure not only quality but also consistency! How To Make A Latte with Green Tea

How To Make A Latte with Green Tea

Let’s start with your basic Green Tea Latte. This is the perfect choice for any time in the day, though particularly first thing in the morning. After all, there is no better reason to get out of bed in the morning than to brew up a cup of this delicious, invigorating infusion!

Best of all, making it is straightforward and doesn’t take as much time as you might think!

Ingredients: Quality Green Tea, a ½ cup of good quality almond milk, hot water, honey and ground ginger.

Time Required: 7 minutes.

Serves: 1 person.


  1. Boil the kettle, allowing it to cool to temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees.
  2. Put Loose Leaf Green Tea into a mesh, followed by the mesh into a cup.
  3. Fill the cup two-thirds of the way full with hot water.
  4. Let it steep for 2-3 minutes, being sure not to burn or over-brew the leaves.
  5. While the Tea brews, heat the almond milk in a milk frother.
  6. Add the hot milk to the Green Tea.
  7. Stir the infusion as you add the honey.
  8. Add any almond milk foam to the top.
  9. Sprinkle ground ginger onto the foam.
  10. Serve immediately to ensure its great taste.

Jasmine Tea

How To Make a Latte with Jasmine Tea

Most Jasmine Green Teas are delicate infusions. Because of this, we recommend limiting what you add to it when making a Jasmine Green Tea Latte.

The sweet, delectable taste of the jasmine flower is enough to entice the palate at the best of times. For this reason, consider a Jasmine Green Tea Latte as a nice, simple way to finish a long, hard day.

Ingredients: Jasmine Huang Shan Ya Tea, a ½ cup of good quality almond milk, hot water.

Time Required: 5 minutes.

Serves: 1 person.


  1. Put Jasmine Huang Shan Ya Tea into a mesh.
  2. Boil the kettle but wait until it cools to temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees.
  3. After putting your Tea into a mesh and the mesh into a mug, add two-thirds of hot water.
  4. Let the infusion steep for 1-2 minutes (less time than a ‘regular’ Green Tea Latte).
  5. Meanwhile, froth the milk.
  6. Combine the almond milk and Jasmine Green Tea while stirring thoroughly.
  7. Any remaining almond milk froth can go on top of the infusion.
  8. Enjoy your Green Tea Latte immediately for the best possible taste.

Vanilla Latte

How to Make Vanilla Green Tea Latte

There are two ways that you can make a Vanilla Green Tea Latte. The first way is to use our Vanilla Green Tea, which contains natural vanilla flavouring, as the base ingredient.

All you have to do with this option is to follow the usual steps of any other Green Tea Latte Recipe. The second way is to add the vanilla yourself. Whichever way you choose to go, you’re in for a treat!

Ingredients: Quality Green Tea, a ½ cup of good quality almond milk, ¼ Teaspoon of vanilla extract, honey and ground ginger.

Time Required: 6 minutes.

Serves: 1 person.


  1. Pour water into your kettle and let it boil.
  2. Allow the water to cool to temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees.
  3. Meanwhile, put your Loose Leaf Green Tea into a mesh, followed by the mesh into a cup.
  4. Once the water has cooled, add it to your mug while being sure to leave ⅓ empty.
  5. Allow the water and Tea to steep for 2-3 minutes. Try not to over-brew!
  6. During this time, start heating the almond milk using a milk frother.
  7. Combine the hot almond milk, Green Tea and the vanilla extract in your mug.
  8. Stir the infusion thoroughly.
  9. Top it off with almond milk foam.
  10. Vanilla Green Tea Latte tastes best served immediately.

Calories and Nutritional Facts

Calories and Nutritional Facts

Any Green Tea Latte recipe comes with Green Tea Benefits. Every type contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants capable of combating free radicals in the body. Studies suggest that it can, among other qualities, improve cardiovascular health, enhance cognitive function, support the immune system, aid digestion and reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

You can read more about this in our “Benefits of Green Tea” blog. On average, Green Tea contains no more than two calories per 8 oz serving. Having almond milk in your Latte adds no more than 60 calories, which might sound like a lot, but, in truth, isn’t.

It’s worth noting, in fact, that another benefit is its ability to boost the metabolism of fat cells. This enables the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently. In other words, you’re more likely to lose, not gain, weight with a Green Tea Latte. You can read more about its ability to support your diet plans in our “Calories in Tea and Nutritional Facts” article. Its other vitamins and minerals include, but are not limited to:

Nutrition in Green Tea

Vitamin A Vitamin B
Vitamin C Vitamin D
Manganese Zinc
Caffeine Theanine
Potassium Calcium

Where to Buy Green Tea

Are you ready to experiment with Green Tea flavours? Make a start with The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company. Why? Because we can confidently assure that all of our Loose Teas, Tisanes and Coffees are packed fresh to order here at our Kent-based factory. Indeed, we can also confidently guarantee unparalleled quality with every cuppa - or Green Tea Latte - brewed. Buy green tea online at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company today.
