Constipation is a topic most people prefer not to think about but one that, if ignored, could lead to some unpleasant circumstances. Why not make your life a little easier, then, by finding constipation remedies that also taste great?

The following article will talk about the best Tea for constipation. In fact, we will go one better and showcase five of the top choices.

You won’t need to worry about that dreaded trip to the toilet anymore. You won’t feel uncomfortable, feel embarrassed or feel like it’s a lost cause.

Please keep reading to find out the “hows” and “whys” of Tea for constipation. And once you know the facts, you can buy them - these five and many more - right here at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

What is Constipation

What is Constipation?

Constipation is a common condition whereby an individual has difficulty passing stool. Most medical professionals characterise it as defecating fewer than three times a week.

Aside from the obvious, constipation symptoms can include stomach aches, bloating and nausea. It could also result in a lack of energy and a loss of appetite while feeling irritable, angry or unhappy.

But what causes constipation? Sometimes, there is no clear reason why you’re experiencing it. The most likely factors leading to it, however, are not eating enough fibre (i.e. fruits, vegetables and cereals) and not drinking enough fluids.

Some people might find it happening after spending long periods sitting or lying in bed. Others have it due to changing their diet or daily routine, or as a side effect to medicine.

How to Get Rid of Constipation

How to Get Rid of Constipation with Tea

If you’re looking to find out how to relieve constipation, you needn’t look any further than your morning cuppa. While it does depend on what blesses your mug - or, in other words, what type of Tea you drink - there is a chance of it making a difference.

That difference might be small, but when it comes to what helps constipation, you’re probably considering any and all options!

The absolute, 100% best Tea for constipation is difficult to say outright. We have, therefore, chosen five: Green, Peppermint, Liquorice, Dandelion and Camomile.

Drink one and you might find it providing soothing and relaxant properties. Pick another and it could have a laxative effect. There are even those in this selection of five that promote wellness on a molecular level. Let’s discover more.

Green Tea Offers Constipation Relief

Green Tea Offers Constipation Relief

Green Tea is a type of so-called “real” Tea originating from the Camellia sinensis (Tea) plant. This is where you get Black, White and Oolong Tea, too, although each one has its distinct characteristics due to the processing of the leaves at the factory.

Green Tea, in particular, undergoes only minimal oxidation, thus making it one of the healthier options. But does Green Tea help with constipation?

A Green Tea constipation remedy indeed works well at alleviating your toilet troubles. This is probably (and we mean “probably”) because of Green Tea Caffeine, which is a stimulating chemical compound most famous for getting us out of bed in the morning.

The belief here is that caffeine has laxative effects, whereby it induces bile production and increases bowel movement.

Can too Much Green Tea Cause Constipation

Can Too Much Green Tea Cause Constipation?

It isn’t all good news, though. If you’re wondering, “can too much Green Tea cause constipation?,” the answer, in rare cases, is yes.

Ultimately, it depends on the person, although there have been some reports of it leading to problems rather than helping them. High doses (e.g. more than eight cups daily) of Green Tea will likely increase the risk of experiencing constipation.

Now for the silver lining. The antioxidants in Green Tea can afford protection against a vast multitude of other chronic conditions, including type-2 diabetes and heart disease.

Studies have also suggested that it boosts the metabolism of fat cells, thus enabling the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently, which promotes weight loss. The bottom line is that if you monitor your intake, Green Tea has great potential.

Peppermint Tea is a Good Tea for Constipation

Peppermint Tea is a Good Tea for Constipation

Herbal Tea for constipation can offer support in varying ways depending on which variety you choose. Yet Peppermint Tea for constipation, specifically, is an excellent choice.

This plant (Mentha piperita) is an aromatic, rhizomatous perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Interestingly, it is a natural hybrid of watermint (Mentha aquatica) and Spearmint Tea (Mentha spicata).

Most will know this infusion best by its refreshingly minty notes and its bold, delectable aftertaste. However, if you’re hoping to enjoy the best Tea for constipation while you’re at it, then you’re in luck.

Peppermint Tea contains high levels of menthol, a chemical compound that has a soothing effect on the stomach while moving stool through the intestines.

Does Peppermint Tea Cause Constipation

Does Peppermint Tea Cause Constipation?

Again, there is a downside to its consumption - yet here it is less about it causing constipation and more about it leading to other side effects.

Health concerns associated with drinking too much Peppermint Tea include heart palpitations and slowed heart rate. Somewhat more on the topic of Tea for constipation, people have also found it interfering with medication for digestive complaints.

It seems as if there is no clear-cut answer to, “does Peppermint Tea cause constipation?” What we do know, though, is that it combats colds and the flu, relaxes the nervous system and treats mild headaches.

Furthermore, according to a meta-analysis of 14 studies, Peppermint Tea Benefits can treat diarrhoea. This might appear to contradict its ability to treat constipation. However, it does, indeed, do both!

Liquorice Tea for Constipation Seems to Work

Liquorice Tea for Constipation Seems to Work

Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) grows predominantly in Europe and Asia. It can reach heights of up to a metre, producing pinnate leaves between 7-15cm in length.

Nestled underground is the most delicious component: Liquorice Root. This is the part of the plant used in a variety of culinary dishes, as well as, of course, Herbal Tea. So, what’s the truth behind Liquorice Tea for constipation?

Compared to other varieties, this particular beverage hasn’t been extensively studied as a constipation treatment. It is more a theory that it helps, then, rather than a concrete fact.

The notion stems from its anti-inflammatory properties and how, broadly, it aids digestion. After eating a meal, it may help soothe the gastrointestinal system and encourage bowel movement.

What about Liquorice Tea Causing it

What About Liquorice Tea Causing it?

There have been no known instances of Liquorice Tea causing constipation - so that’s something! The primary risks are that it causes high blood pressure and reduces potassium levels in the body. Some have also noted it bringing about headaches, tiredness and menstrual abnormalities in rare instances.

For the most, though, you can expect this Tea to improve life in small yet significant ways.

What, exactly, can it do? For starters, it treats acid reflux (heartburn), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and general indigestion. Evidence indicates that it combats mild depression, too, and even balances blood sugar levels - thus reducing diabetes risks.

If that wasn’t enough, it has anti-viral properties capable of warding off common colds and the flu.

Dandelion Tea is One the Best Teas for Constipation

Dandelion Tea is one of the Best Teas for Constipation

Dandelions (Taraxacum) belong to a large genus of flowering plants of the Asteraceae family. Its name comes from the French “dent de lion,” which means “lion’s tooth”.

This is owing to the toothed shape of the leaves that surround the bottom of the plant’s stem. It can grow to heights of up to 30 centimetres (11 inches), eventually developing easily recognisable miniature yellow flowers called ray florets.

When made into a Herbal Tea, it can relieve mild digestive symptoms including bloating and, perhaps most importantly here, constipation. The reason is its ability to stimulate the liver to produce bile, which then indirectly helps bowel movement.

It also serves as a diuretic in the body, adding more water to the digestive system and, in turn, your stools. (Please read our blog, “Is Tea Diuretic?”)

Can it Have the Opposite Effect

Can Dandelion Have the Opposite Effect?

You’ll be pleased to know that, similar to Liquorice Tea, there is no evidence to suggest that Dandelion Tea contributes to constipation. Yet it might cause digestive upsets in other areas such as stomach aches, acid reflux and, occasionally, diarrhoea.

People have reported cases of allergic reactions, too, so be wary if you have a history of hypersensitivity to this plant.

The flip side is that Dandelion Tea improves liver health due to its diuretic qualities - a function that likewise treats gallstones. Then there is the possibility, according to a 2011 study, of it increasing your endurance during periods of moderate exercise.

Perhaps most remarkable of all, research published in Oncotarget showed the anti-cancer potential of Dandelion Root Tea.

Camomile Tea Can Help with Constipation

Camomile Tea Can Help with Constipation

German Camomile, meanwhile, is a hardy, self-seeding annual herb. This particular type has a hollow, bright-gold cone, which, much like its Roman counterpart, has white rays.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), both have Camomile Tea Benefits. Although it most famously promotes sleep, Camomile Tea is also good for constipation due to its relaxant nature.

You probably know the routine by now: the time has come to answer the question, “Does Camomile Tea cause constipation?” And the answer is “no.” What it DOES do - thankfully infrequently - is cause contact dermatitis when applied topically.

Like Dandelion Tea, it could also pose a risk to anyone who suffers allergic reactions to this flower or others similar to it.

Are you ready for the bright side? Brilliant. Camomile Tea and our Camomile Tea Bags contains phytochemicals capable of improving your sleeping patterns while reducing feelings of anxiety.

It benefits weight loss, lowers blood pressure and even serves as a hair treatment. If you’re experiencing menstrual discomfort, it calms mild abdominal pain and reduces muscle spasms.


We have taken a nuanced approach to discuss the Best Tea for constipation, examining both the pros and cons of consumption. We began by asking, “Is Green Tea good for constipation or could Green Tea cause constipation?”

The answer, in many respects, depended on your circumstances and how much you drank. Still, it mostly appeared to be a good choice.

We then contemplated, “Is Tea good for constipation when it’s a herbal infusion?” When you pick Peppermint, Liquorice, Dandelion or Camomile, then yes - albeit with some other potential side effects to consider when deciding.

Have you made up your mind which one you want? If so, be sure to buy from The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

Author: Richard Smith

Partner at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company

Richard Smith is a Tea expert, entrepreneur, and owner of The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company. Part of a family of renowned Tea planters dating back four generations, he was born in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, where he spent his childhood between Tea Estates in Assam and Darjeeling.

In the late 1970s, having accumulated years of knowledge in the industry, Mr Smith and his mother, Janet Smith, moved to Kent, South East England, to establish a Tea business in the village of Pluckley. Their early days of packing Tea Bags by hand from chests of 10,000 prompted the creation of the company’s flagship infusion known as Pluckley Tea. It remains our most popular product today.

Mr Smith, who studied economics at London Polytechnic, has since specialised in over 1,000 types of Loose Leaf Tea - in addition to around 70 varieties of Roast Coffee - from around the world. These are now available at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, where everything is still packed by hand and fresh to order, not only to honour tradition but to ensure the utmost quality and consistency.
