How many calories in a cup of Tea? Does Tea have any nutritional value? These questions, and many more, are often on the minds of our customers. You’ll be pleased to know that it’s all good news.

Drinking Tea for its health benefits has become increasingly popular in recent years. This is because of its wealth in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Tea has also become a must-have beverage for those looking to lose weight. Not only does it contain very few calories, but it also boosts the metabolism of fat cells. This enables the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently, thus improving weight management.

But to realise it’s full potential, it’s vital to know and understand the facts. In this blog, we will discuss the ins and outs of calories and nutrition in Tea.

We will compare a few popular types of Tea to see which one fares best. And we will explain how your morning cuppa can improve your everyday way of life in small yet significant ways.

Nutritional Facts about Tea

Nutritional Facts about Tea

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis (Tea) plant. The difference between each Tea type (Black, Green, White, Oolong, etc.) happens in the factory. One of the biggest differentiators is how long each type is allowed to oxidise.

Oxidation, in the context of Tea, refers to how long the leaves are exposed to oxygen after harvesting. The longer the leaves are exposed, the darker they become. This is how you get White Tea, the least oxidised type, and Black Tea, the most oxidised.

Oxidation ultimately defines the profile of your morning cuppa. It also contributes significantly to its nutritional value and health benefits. Tea types that have undergone only minimal processing contain more antioxidants, for example.

These antioxidants are important to the body because they slow down human oxidation (that’s right, we oxidise, too!).

Oxidation, in the context of humans, refers to the transference of oxygen around the body. This is a natural process; however, it can also cause harm. Human oxidation introduces free radicals to the body.

These free radicals are unpaired (and unsafe!) electrons that latch onto their stable counterparts, making even more unpaired electrons. This chain reaction can increase the risk of developing numerous chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes.

Tea, meanwhile, reduces the risks through its work in combating free radicals, thus slowing down human oxidation. The less processed the type, the more antioxidants it contains.

The more antioxidants it contains, the more likely it can help you to lead a healthier lifestyle. But what about calories in Tea? Should we be worried?

What are Calories?

What are Calories?

Calorie-counting has become particularly fashionable in this increasingly health-conscious world. Thankfully, when it comes to Tea, you don’t have to count much at all.

But before we talk about calories in Tea, let’s talk about calories in their entirety. In essence, we measure the amount of energy in an item of food or drink through calories.

When we consume more calories than our body needs, we store the excess as body fat. If this continues over time, it can lead to weight gain. On average, a man needs around 2,500kcal a day.

Women, in comparison, need around 2,000kcal a day. This may sound like a lot, but as many of us will already know, it’s easy to exceed the recommended amount.

Could Tea be the answer? Not by itself, but it can certainly help. It’s essential to maintain healthy calorie levels daily. However, if you find yourself needing to cut down, then you don’t have to forego your favourite brew necessarily.

This is because any Tea to originate from the Camellia sinensis plant (which doesn’t include Fruit or Herbal Teas) contains no more than two calories per 8 oz cup.

Some Tea types will have slightly (emphasis on ‘slightly’) different amounts, but rarely do they exceed the two calories mark when served without accompaniments. In fact, it’s the accompaniments, such as milk, milk alternatives and sugar, that contribute most to calorie intake in your morning cuppa!

Here are some popular examples and how many average calories Black Tea contains with additions:

Skimmed Milk: 10 calories.

Semi Skimmed Milk: 13 calories.

Whole Milk: 19 calories.

One Teaspoon of Sugar: 15 calories.

Two Teaspoons of Sugar: 30 calories.

One Teaspoon of Honey: 40 calories.

Calories in Tea Overview

Calories in Tea Overview

Below, you’ll find a table giving you an idea of how many calories can be found in your morning cuppa. Of course, there are many more Teas with varying levels of calories.

If we don’t cover your favourite, then it might be worth looking through our other blogs. Many of our articles are catered exclusively to particular types of Tea and Coffee.

Type of TeaCalories per Cup
Green Tea2 calories
Black Tea2 calories
Oolong Tea2 calories
White Tea2 calories
Peppermint Tea2.4 calories
Hibiscus Tea37 calories
Camomile Tea2 calories
Green Tea Calories

Calories in Green Tea

On average, an 8 oz cup of Green Tea contains two calories - without additions. Perhaps more importantly, it contains a particularly beneficial antioxidant called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

Indeed, on average, an 8 oz cup of Green Tea contains 200 mg of this polyphenol catechin. Its ability to provide health benefits cannot be overstated.

Research suggests that the EGCG content found in this Tea can lower risks of cardiovascular complications. A meta-analysis of 13 Green Tea-related observational studies discovered that participants who drank the most Green Tea had a 28% lower risk of coronary artery disease than those who drank the least.



Nutritional Facts of Green Tea

Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Vitamin D Manganese Zinc
Caffeine Theanine Potassium


Calories in Black Tea

Calories in Black Tea

On average, an 8 oz cup of Black Tea contains two calories - without additions. It doesn’t, however, contain significant levels of EGCG. This is because of the processing of the leaf.

Yet what it lacks in EGCG, it makes up for in other constituents. Most Black Teas, for example, have polyphenolic antioxidants called theaflavin and thearubigin.

Though less beneficial than EGCG, these antioxidants can still help in the fight against oxidation. They can also, according to studies, provide other Black Tea benefits.

One such study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looks especially promising. Conducted at the University of Singapore, it noted that 2-3 cups of Black Tea a day came with a 55% lower chance of experiencing cognitive decline.

Those who drank 6-10 cups, on the other hand, had a 63% lower chance. This may ultimately contribute to reducing the risk of developing dementia.

Its other constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Black Tea

Vitamin B-2 Vitamin B-5 Vitamin B-9
Vitamin D Iron Potassium
Magnesium Sodium Manganese


Pu erh Tea Nutrition and Calories

Calories in Pu erh Tea

Pu erh is a type of Black Tea. While Pu erh, like ‘average’ Black Tea, contains only two calories per serving, it’s unique processing warrants its own section!

After the usual production stages, Pu erh Tea undergoes what’s known as Piling/Heaping. This stage essentially manipulates conditions to simulate a natural ageing process.

This occurs by prolonging the bacterial and fungal fermentation of the leaf. Specifically, workers “pile”, dampen and continuously turn the leaves in a manner similar to composting.

The result is a Tea with a highly-prized complexity, depth and smoothness. It also contributes significantly to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in it.

Its constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Pu erh Tea

Arginine Beryllium Calcium
Caffeine Cysteine Fluorides
Histidine Iron Linolenic
Lysine Magnesium Nickel
Phosphorus Potassium Sodium
Sulfur Vitamin B-1 Vitamin B-2
Vitamin C Vitamin E
Calories in Oolong Tea

Calories in Oolong Tea

On average, an 8 oz cup of Oolong Tea contains two calories - without additions. Many consider it the best of both worlds when it comes to comparing it to Green and Black Tea.

Indeed, it often combines the fresh, alluring fragrance of the former with the indulgently malty flavours of the latter. This is because Oolong Tea is slightly fermented and semi-oxidised. In other words, it quite literally sits between Green and Black Tea when processing is concerned.

This processing also has an influence on its health benefits. It can, like any other Tea type, combat free radicals in the body. Furthermore, it can aid digestion.

This particular health benefit comes about thanks to its ability to alkalise the digestive tract. This is especially beneficial to those with acid reflux and ulcer problems as it can reduce inflammation.

Its constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Oolong Tea

Fluoride Manganese Potassium
Sodium Quercetin Magnesium
Niacin Myricetin Kaempferol


Calories in White Tea

Calories in White Tea

On average, an 8 oz cup of White Tea contains two calories - without additions. White Tea also contains the highest level of antioxidants, thanks to its lack of processing. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, White Tea contains more EGCG than even Green Tea!

This, debatably, makes it the healthiest Tea of them all - depending on your perspective!

According to a 2009 study published in “Nutrition and Metabolism”, it can also help with weight loss. This research recognised how it effectively reduces the deposition of triglycerides in human adipocytes (fat cells) and promotes the breakdown of fats.

In other words, its frequent consumption enables the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently.

Its other constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of White Tea

Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Vitamin D Zinc Calcium
Theanine Potassium Manganese


Herbal Tea

What about Herbal Tea?

It’s a common misconception that Herbal Teas are ‘real’ Teas. What do we mean by this? In other words, herbs used for these infusions do not come from the same Camellia sinensis plant as Black, Green, White and Oolong Tea.

This means that such beverages aren’t ‘Teas’ in the conventional sense. Nevertheless, the industry has long ‘adopted’ them as their own!

The lack of Tea leaves means that each Herbal Tea, depending on what plant it comes from, has varying calorie levels as well as different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Most, however, can still have extraordinary benefits when consumed as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. Let’s take a look at just a few of our most popular Herbal Teas to compare.

Calories in Peppermint Tea

Calories in Peppermint Tea

Reportedly, Peppermint Tea contains 2.4 calories per 8 oz cup - without additions. That’s 0.4% more than a cup of ‘real’ Tea, but even then, it isn’t much.

What’s arguably better than a cup of ‘real’ Tea is that Peppermint doesn’t contain any caffeine. This, to some, is a health benefit. Why? Because its lack of caffeine makes it an excellent alternative for those who’re caffeine sensitive.

Furthermore, Peppermint Tea is also a particularly good choice for those who’re pregnant. According to NHS Choices, pregnant women should not exceed 200 mg of caffeine per day. This is the equivalent of 2 cups of Coffee. With Peppermint Tea, however, one doesn’t even have to worry about any caffeine at all!

Its constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Peppermint Tea

Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
Vitamin E Alpha-carotene Beta-carotene
Calcium Copper Inositol
Iodine Iron Magnesium
Manganese Niacin Phosphorus
Potassium Selenium Sulphur

Calories in Hibiscus Tea

Calories in Hibiscus Tea

Reportedly, Hibiscus Tea contains 37 calories per 8 oz cup - without additions. At first glance, this sounds like a lot. But don’t worry too much.

Why? Because this is one of the healthiest Herbal Teas of them all. While it contains more calories than, say, Black Tea or Green Tea, it can also benefit the mind, body and soul in a multitude of other ways. Most famously,

Hibiscus Tea Benefits can lower blood pressure. The American Heart Association (AHA) have the answers as to why and how this happens.

They conducted a study that saw sixty-five people aged between 30 and 70, all of whom deemed “at risk” from high blood pressure, split into two groups. The first group drank Hibiscus Tea three times a day. The second group, meanwhile, received a placebo.

After six weeks, the results established that the Hibiscus Group “showed an average fall of 7.2 per cent in blood pressure due to Hibiscus, with some recording a 13.2 per cent drop. The placebo group recorded a 1.3 per cent drop”.

Its constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Hibiscus Tea

Vitamin A Vitamin B-1 Vitamin B-2
Vitamin B-9 Vitamin C Magnesium
Potassium Calcium Iron


Calories in Camomile Tea

Calories in Camomile Tea

Reportedly, Camomile Tea contains, on average, two calories per 8 oz cup - without additions. Like Peppermint, like Hibiscus, it is also caffeine free.

Camomile Tea remains one of the most highly recommended Herbal infusions for medicinal purposes thanks in part to its abundance in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Its most common use is for improved sleep.

The phytochemicals found in this herb have three main effects on the central nervous system, according to a study published by the European Neuropsychopharmacology.

First, these phytochemicals influence the serotonin and dopamine found in the brain. Second, these very same phytochemicals also work with GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors in the central nervous system to promote a state of calmness. Third, Camomile benefits the neurohormones, which are responsible for inducing sleep.

Its other constituents include, but are not limited to:



Nutritional Facts of Camomile Tea

Calcium Iron Magnesium
Phosphorus Potassium Sodium
Zinc Copper  


Where to Buy Low-Calorie Tea

The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company stock a variety of healthy Teas with low calories. As well as those mentioned above, a particular favourite is our Rooibos Tea. This herb grows exclusively in the Cederberg region of South Africa.

It contains, among other constituents, aspalathin, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It also has anti-allergenic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antispasmodic and anti-ageing properties.

Another popular beverage is Ginseng Tea. Research suggests that it can enhance cognitive function, support the immune system and even improve sexual health. If, however, you’d prefer to drink ‘real’ Tea, then we recommend our Gaba Oolong.

GABA stands for “Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid”, which is the result of its unique manufacturing process. High levels of GABA are extremely beneficial to the human nervous system, in particular.

Can’t decide on just one brew? Why try all of the Teas in our Healthy Tea Selection? This pack includes Reiki Tea, Red Ginseng Tea, Yoga Tea, Chakra Tea and Lomi Lomi Tea. Each one boasts its own unique vitamins, minerals and antioxidants - and are all low in calories!

Author: Richard Smith

Partner at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company

Richard Smith is a Tea expert, entrepreneur, and owner of The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company. Part of a family of renowned Tea planters dating back four generations, he was born in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, where he spent his childhood between Tea Estates in Assam and Darjeeling.

In the late 1970s, having accumulated years of knowledge in the industry, Mr Smith and his mother, Janet Smith, moved to Kent, South East England, to establish a Tea business in the village of Pluckley. Their early days of packing Tea Bags by hand from chests of 10,000 prompted the creation of the company’s flagship infusion known as Pluckley Tea. It remains our most popular product today.

Mr Smith, who studied economics at London Polytechnic, has since specialised in over 1,000 types of Loose Leaf Tea - in addition to around 70 varieties of Roast Coffee - from around the world. These are now available at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, where everything is still packed by hand and fresh to order, not only to honour tradition but to ensure the utmost quality and consistency.
