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Honduras Coffee is a high-grown, medium-roasted Coffee from the Central American country of the same name. It makes for the perfect pick-me-up first thing in the morning, all the while boasting an extraordinary character.

The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company pack our Honduras Coffee beans fresh to order, ensuring their quality and consistency each time you brew.

Honduras Coffee Tasting Notes

Perhaps most essential is knowing what to expect from Honduras Coffee’s flavour profile. It has often been described as sweet and light yet also rich and indulgent.

The bottom line is that it has something for everyone, providing a pleasantly fragrant note from start to finish. But what remains unaddressed is whether it contains a significant amount of caffeine within its beans.

Is There Caffeine in Honduras Coffee?

Caffeine is a stimulating chemical compound capable of providing an often much-needed energy boost. It exists in around sixty plants, including Loose Tea (Camellia sinensis) and, of course, Coffee (Coffea).

This means that you can, indeed, expect Honduras Coffee to support your focus and concentration throughout the day. Around 100-mg of caffeine comes with every serving.

Honduras Coffee History

The time has come to explore where it all began. Honduras Coffee production initially took place during the late 18th century. However, widespread cultivation didn’t occur until the 20th century.

This was when increased popularity, especially among Gourmet Coffee lovers, made it almost as important as the country’s banana industry. Coffee and bananas continue to be Honduras’ two primary cash crops.

Honduras Coffee Farms Today

Statistics suggest that there are now 110,000 Honduras Coffee plantation workers, of whom 92% are smallholder farmers. Challenges nevertheless remain. In 1998, an estimated 80% of the country’s agriculture suffered at the hands of Hurricane Mitch.

Even after recovery operations, the natural disaster led to financial burdens, a factor that continues to plague the industry dramatically.

An increase in cross-border smuggling is one of the main concerns as farmers send their Honduras Green Coffee beans to neighbouring Guatemala to fetch higher prices.

Government assistance programs and taxes on exports have provided minor relief. However, climatic change will likely play a considerable role in the near future, potentially affecting an estimated 30% of Honduras' population.

Your support is, unquestionably, needed to sustain the livelihoods of millions. And you can provide that support by choosing Honduras Coffee from The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

Whether you buy it for its remarkable taste, high caffeine content, outstanding renown or wholesome ethics, you’ve decided well. Be sure to discover its full potential next time you make a brew.

4.8 / 5
  1. First time I have tried this coffee and I like it. I would definitely purchase this again.

    Review by

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  2. Like it. Slighly sweet flavour.

    Review by

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  3. Have loved drinking this coffee over a few years.

    Review by

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  4. Nice. Slighly sweet flavour.

    Review by

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  5. Only just getting into this one - light, pleasant, fragrant

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  6. Excellent coffee and from a country which desperately needs economic support - so pleased that you offer this opportunity !

    Review by

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  7. Ещё не пробовал, но думаю вкус будет хорошим.

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  8. Review by

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  9. Well that was a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect much from this coffee, but I can't do anything but acknowledge that from all the coffees that I bought from Kent & Sussex Tea & Coffee Company this one is the best. It has strong, rich taste and beautiful aroma and even famous Blue Mountain can't compete with it.

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  10. Свежей обжарки кофе.Вкусный,хороший.

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