Why You Should Be Drinking CBD Tea

Hemp tea benefits the mind, body and soul in a multitude of ways. It is a type of herbal tea that’s unlike any other and one that has become popular only very recently.

But what makes it so special? In this article, we’ll break down exactly why you should be drinking hemp teas. We’ll reveal eight health benefits of CBD tea.

What is Hemp Tea?

What is Hemp Tea?

Hemp tea is made from the cannabis sativa plant, using the leaves, the hemp flower and seeds.

Cannabis sativa originates from the Indian subcontinent, although it has spread to much of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. Despite requiring full light, it thrives in most soil types, provided they are damp.

Individual plants can create either male or female flowers, which are small, green and clustered. The fruits, meanwhile, are dry and thin-walled, containing only one seed each.

The leaves, flowers and seeds are ground into a powder that releases CBD into hot water, creating a health-boosting hemp herbal tea.

Hemp tea infusions contain less than 0.3% THC content (the cannabinoid responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis), so this tea is completely legal and safe.

Hemp Tea Benefits

8 Surprising Hemp Tea Benefits: Top Reasons to Start Drinking CBD Tea

Hemp contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants capable of improving life in small yet significant ways.

Many of the potential benefits of hemp tea come from cannabidiol (CBD), one of the most prevalent cannabinoids found in the trichomes of the female cannabis plant and hemp.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD isn’t psychoactive and, as such, doesn’t have any mind-altering side effects.

What CBD does offer, though, is impressive health benefits. It can help to treat or alleviate health conditions and supports a generally healthy lifestyle.

Studies suggest that it can relieve anxiety, offer pain relief, improve sleep quality and alleviate nausea. It might even prevent seizures while reducing inflammation and supporting those living with IBS. Pretty neat for your morning brew, wouldn’t you agree?

Here are eight of the top hemp tea benefits, explained in more detail.

Helps with Anxiety

1. Hemp Tea Can Relieve Anxiety

High quantities of CBD in hemp tea affect the brain’s receptors for serotonin, which has anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) effects. This ultimately means that it can regulate mood and social behaviour.

One 2011 study saw participants with a social anxiety disorder (SAD) take an oral dose of 400-mg of CBD or a placebo. Those who received CBD experienced overall reduced anxiety levels, which clearly showcases the ability of hemp tea.

Furthermore, other research has shown that CBD products could help people living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A 2019 study saw 91% of participants experience reduced PTSD symptoms after taking CBD orally.

Hemp Tea benefits sleep

2. Hemp Tea Improves Sleep Quality and Makes It Easier to Drift Off

Are you struggling to get plenty of rest at night? If so, hemp tea could help. Insomnia is one of the main reasons why people favour a daily cup of hemp tea, and it’s easy to see why.

In a recent study, 66.7% of people experienced better sleep when taking CBD each day.

CBD interacts with receptors in the brain that govern the body’s daily sleep/wake cycle, so it works similarly to lavender when it comes to improving sleep quality. Hemp tea benefits are similar to camomile tea benefits in this respect as well.

The anxiety-relieving effects of hemp tea can also help you sleep better, and CBD is known to reduce REM sleep disorders.

Reduces Chronic Pain

3. Hemp Can Ease Chronic Pain

Hemp tea is a natural pain relief remedy — it can ease chronic pain by naturally producing endocannabinoids. These are neurotransmitters that bind to receptors in the nervous system and reduce certain types of pain.

Numerous randomised clinical trials have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of hemp extracts in central and peripheral neuropathic pain, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer pain.

However, at Kent Tea & Coffee Co, we urge caution when using hemp tea for pain relief. There’s still research to be done, and while current studies have had promising results, it’s best to make sure CBD tea is a good option for you by doing further research or consulting your doctor.

Relieve Nausea

4. Hemp Tea and IBS

When it comes to treating nausea, most Tea drinkers turn to Ginger. This is because Ginger Tea is one of the most famous digestive aids around, alleviating bloating, gas and gastrointestinal irritation.

Yet the Benefits of Hemp Tea might also help due to the cannabinoids contained within it. In other words, the CBD in this beverage offers relief from abdominal muscle cramps, thus eliminating nauseous feelings and heaving.

But how does this work? As strange as it sounds, it’s similar to the way that this herbal Tea helps with anxiety. On a chemical level, CBD interacts with serotonin-releasing receptors in the brain.

This, in turn, intercepts the transmission of pain signals, which also applies to the pain caused by digestive discomfort. So, next time you’re feeling a little queasy, why not brew up a cup of this incredible infusion? 

Can hemp tea prevent seizures

5. Hemp Tea Can Relieve Nausea and an Upset Stomach

When it comes to treating nausea, most tea drinkers turn to ginger tea. This is because it’s one of the best teas for the digestive system, alleviating bloating, gas and gastrointestinal irritation.

But tea made from hemp plants is also a great choice if you’re not feeling great.

CBD can offer relief from muscle cramps, eliminate nausea and cure an upset stomach. How does it work? CBD tea interacts with serotonin-releasing receptors in the brain and intercepts the transmission of pain signals, which also applies to pain in the digestive system.

So, next time you’re feeling a little queasy, brew some hemp tea and find relief from the natural ingredients in this incredible infusion.

Hemp Tea and Inflammation

6. Hemp Tea Could Treat Epilepsy and Prevent Seizures

You may have heard in the news that medical marijuana can help prevent seizures. But does hemp tea have these same qualities?

There is scientific evidence from laboratory studies, anecdotal reports and small clinical studies suggesting that hemp tea could potentially help control seizures.

One 2018 study published in Neurology saw epilepsy patients consume hemp plant extract twice a day for an average period of 14 months. The results determined that 68% of participants had experienced a decrease in the frequency of seizures.

However, research is still being carried out, so Kent Tea & Coffee Co does NOT endorse using hemp tea to treat epilepsy until we know more.

Improved Heart Health

7. Hemp Tea Could Help with Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to harmful stimuli. Our white blood cells (and the substances they produce) protect us from infection.

While initially good in the short term, chronic inflammation can cause several complications. Some (but not all) types of arthritis, for example, result from misdirected inflammation.

Enter the health benefits of hemp tea, which works as a natural anti-inflammatory due to its CBD content. Many CBD users value hemp plants and hemp tea as a naturopathic treatment. It has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects for several different health conditions, including arthritis.

However, scientific evidence to prove the anti-inflammatory benefits of hemp tea is still in its early stages. Only limited studies have been carried out.

Hemp Tea and IBS

8. Hemp Can Improve Heart Health

If you’re worried about your heart health, having a cup of tea made from hemp plants could help you take care of your heart and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Hemp tea and herbal teas containing CBD extracts can reduce inflammation, which is thought to be linked to heart disease. Cannabis tea can also alleviate high blood pressure (hypertension), preventing it from damaging your arteries and decreasing blood and oxygen flow to your heart.

CBD isn’t the only component of hemp tea that supports heart health — there are other antioxidative properties within hemp plants that combat free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are unpaired (and unstable) electrons introduced to the body through the natural, though often harmful, process of oxidation. Many recognise this as “oxidative stress”. This process ultimately triggers cell damage, increasing the risk of several chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease. However, the antioxidants in hemp tea reduce these risks.

Side Effects

Are There Any Hemp Tea Side Effects?

IHemp is a healthy tea option that’s naturally caffeine-free, and like other herbal tea, it has a pleasant taste. It’s earthy and a little sweet, but you can also get sweeter blends such as hemp and goji berry tea, or for a sweet and spicy combination, hemp and chai tea.

But people choose this herbal tea for more than the taste. There are so many benefits to CBD derived from hemp plants. Drinking hemp tea can be a better alternative to regular tea. People suffering from various conditions can treat or relieve their symptoms. It’s also a great option if you want to achieve an all-round healthy diet.

But before you make this your new favourite tea, it’s natural to wonder if there are any side effects you should be wary of. The good news is, many researchers have deemed it completely safe to drink and virtually free of side effects.

However, that’s not to say it doesn’t pose at least SOME health concerns. Most notably, it can cause a small drop in blood pressure, which could, in turn, cause issues such as dizziness and nausea.

Another reported side effect of CBD is an unpleasant dry sensation in the mouth. The cause appears to be the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the inhibition of saliva secretion.

If you have any concerns about drinking hemp tea, be sure to seek medical consultation. First and foremost, at Kent Tea & Coffee Co, we care about the welfare of our customers.

Does Hemp tea have caffeine

Does Hemp Tea Contain Caffeine?

Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that relaxes the mind while making you feel less tired and more energised.

For some, a cup of tea or coffee gives a welcome energy boost. But when you choose caffeine-free hot beverages, you benefit from:

  • Faster absorption of nutrients
  • Healthier teeth 
  • Healthy digestion
  • Reduced headaches
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Balanced hormones
  • Better sleep

Plus, you can consume caffeine-free beverages any time of day — first thing in the morning or late at night, without worrying about a poorly-timed burst of energy.

But does hemp tea contain caffeine? Put simply, no. 

Like most herbal teas (excluding Yerba Mate), it’s 100% caffeine-free.

Buy Hemp Tea Online

Buy Hemp Tea Online

Looking to try the benefits of CBD tea for yourself? We stock four types (all blends) of this remarkable, nutritious infusion.

Each one has something unique to offer. Best of all, we pack our blends all fresh to order, ensuring quality and consistency. So, which one will it be?

  • Hemp Herbal Tea Blend: This is a refreshing, flavoursome blend noted for its exceptional ability to improve sleep. As well as hemp leaves, it contains camomile flowers, which famously combat insomnia. It also contains lemon balm, lemon verbena, fennel and many other wholesome, delicious ingredients.
  • Organic Hemp Tea Blend: Here, we have a beverage that combines the sweet flavours of Fennel and Liquorice with the light taste of Cocoa. This forms a wonderful base for added herbs such as Stinging Nettle and Lemongrass, as well as, of course, Hemp Tea. Together, these indulgent components make for a match made in heaven.
  • Hemp Chai Tea: This is a Flavoured Black Tea of unparalleled character and charm. Its ingredients include Black Tea, cocoa peel, cinnamon pieces, pink and black peppercorns, blackberry leaves, marigold blossoms, pink cornflowers and all-natural flavouring. Although Chai Tea is distinctive at the best of times, Hemp Chai Tea goes above and beyond in this regard.
  • Hemp and Goji Berry Tea: When it comes to finding the tastiest and most health-beneficial ingredients around, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better brew than this one, and it tastes great too.
How to make Hemp Tea

How to Brew Hemp Tea for the Best Taste in 5 Steps

Time needed: 10 minutes.

Once you’ve decided which blend to buy, it then becomes a question of how to actually brew hemp tea.

The good news is, it’s super simple. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Choose a Porcelain Mug

    Porcelain has the least influence on the taste. Metal cups, in comparison, create an unpleasant metallic hint.

  2. Use a Tea Filter/Infuser

    Put your chosen hemp tea into one of our loose tea filters and place in your mug.

  3. Add Boiling Water

    Boil water, making sure it’s fresh for better oxygen levels (and, ultimately, better taste). Briefly allow the water to cool to no less than 96°C.

  4. Steep/Brew for Five Minutes

    Put the Tea Filter / InfusLet it steep for at least five minutes but no more than 10 minutes. The longer you leave it, the stronger it tastes.

  5. Time to Drink your Hemp Tea

    Sit back, relax and enjoy.


Find Everything You Need to Brew the Perfect Cup of CBD Tea

At Kent Tea & Coffee Co, we solve all of your tea and coffee needs. We stock hundreds of different teas, from black to chai, matcha and green tea, including hemp herbal tea.

Browse our extensive range of tea and find your perfect blend of hemp/cbd tea. You can also find plenty of tea accessories to help you brew the perfect cup.

Author: Richard Smith

Partner at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company

Richard Smith is a Tea expert, entrepreneur, and owner of The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company. Part of a family of renowned Tea planters dating back four generations, he was born in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, where he spent his childhood between Tea Estates in Assam and Darjeeling.

In the late 1970s, having accumulated years of knowledge in the industry, Mr Smith and his mother, Janet Smith, moved to Kent, South East England, to establish a Tea business in the village of Pluckley. Their early days of packing Tea Bags by hand from chests of 10,000 prompted the creation of the company’s flagship infusion known as Pluckley Tea. It remains our most popular product today.

Mr Smith, who studied economics at London Polytechnic, has since specialised in over 1,000 types of Loose Leaf Tea - in addition to around 70 varieties of Roast Coffee - from around the world. These are now available at The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, where everything is still packed by hand and fresh to order, not only to honour tradition but to ensure the utmost quality and consistency.
